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35 minutes of training without waiting? That's how you do that

In a world that is always in motion, it seems as if time has become a scarce resource. Especially when it comes to sports, we want to 'waste' as little of our valuable time as possible. But how can you train effectively without having to wait endlessly for equipment or available space? With the Milon circle you can do a complete and varied workout in just 35 minutes. In short, no more waiting times.

The efficiency of the Milon circle

Imagine: entering the gym and getting started straight away. No time wasted, no need to wait for your turn. That is exactly what the Milon circle offers you. This innovative system allows you to complete a full, varied circuit workout in only 35 minutes, with six strength exercises and two cardio moments. You have thirty to a maximum of forty seconds between exercises to change equipment. This means your muscles stay constantly active and your heart rate high, resulting in a more effective full-body workout in less time.

Why waiting is not necessary

In the traditional gym, there are often athletes waiting until you have finished using a certain piece of equipment. The Milon circle has solved this problem through a smart rotation of devices. The Milon circle is controlled centrally, so that all athletes move on to the next piece of equipment at the same time. This has the advantage that you can 'zip' effortlessly, so that waiting is not necessary. As soon as you start the next exercise, the device will automatically be set up for you. This means that you also don't waste time setting up weights and can just focus on your training.

Variation in exercises

A common reason why people get bored at the gym is a lack of variety in their routine. Variety not only makes training more fun, but by varying the frequency, intensity and duration, you also continue to make progress. By alternating different training phases according to a well-structured training schedule, you get the most out of your training. At Happy Bodies, the programs are made up of different phases, so you stay motivated and you make continuous progress.

The power of good guidance

The expert guidance at Happy Bodies, in combination with the innovative Milon circle, ensures that you achieve your goals. Our coaches are always ready to help you and answer questions. Whether you are new to the fitness world or a seasoned athlete, personal guidance ensures that you get the most out of your training, without waiting.

Knowing more?

Curious how you can achieve sustainable results by training only twice for 35 minutes every ten days, under the guidance of your own personal lifestyle coach? Even if you have physical complaints? Then do the membership test and sign up for a free personal introductory meeting and tour of the club. Want to bet that you are immediately sold?

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