As a pilot, Willem van Meel has a busy schedule and an irregular life. To still work on his health, he trains at Happy Bodies in Heemstede Willem: 'Training at Happy Bodies is not only very efficient, the guidance is also very professional.' In this blog, Willem talks about his experience with Happy Bodies.
Irregular living and sports: a challenge
In daily life I am a pilot, I live together and have two children. That not only ensures that I have a busy life, it is also very irregular. That's my biggest challenge, especially when it comes to sports. When I come back from a flight on Sunday, I don't really do anything, I shouldn't think about sports. But I try to get back to work the day after I get home. My goal is to work out at Happy Bodies in Heemstede at least twice a week and a third time somewhere else, anywhere in the world.
Combining Milon circle with small group training
I train in the Milon circle once a week and do a small group workout once. In it you are challenged one on one to train next to the Milon circle. You do the Milon circle independently, I can do that anytime Happy Bodies is open. I do have to make an appointment for the small-group training, but I usually know what my schedule looks like a few weeks in advance, so I plan it. And they are short, intensive training sessions, which can always be planned.
Good guidance
The guidance at Happy Bodies is very professional. In the beginning I needed more guidance than now. Now I know how everything works and in terms of guidance, it mainly concerns the one-on-one training sessions and the weighing moments. Sometimes my schedule is adjusted a bit, but the schedule I'm following now seems effective so we'll continue with that.
Injury-free sports
At other gyms I ran into that I didn't know how to do exercises. As a result, the chance that you will sustain injuries is high and you will achieve little result. At Happy Bodies you are closely monitored, there are periodic weighing moments and you get good advice. If the program does not deliver what it should, it will be adjusted. At the Milon circle, the training equipment is automatically adjusted to your body, so that everyone can train without the risk of injury.
Knowing more?
Curious how you too can feel better in your body and better in your head by training twice for 35 minutes every ten days, under the guidance of your own personal lifestyle coach? Even if you have physical complaints? Then do the membership test and sign up for a free personal introductory meeting and tour of the club. Bet you, just like Willem, are immediately sold?
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