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Discover the fitter version of yourself in 2024 with the Milon circle

Ontdek in '24 de fitte versie van jezelf met de Milon-cirkel

A new year is the time for fresh starts and good intentions. But we all know how hard it can be to be persistent. Less than ten percent of people actually keep their good intentions throughout the year. Want to end 2024 fit, but don't feel like having to sweat for hours in an uncomfortable gym environment several times a week? Which can! In this blog, Rémon Koetje, Lifestyle coach and trainer at Happy Bodies, explains that you can also achieve your fitness goals with just two 35-minute training sessions every ten days. And in a place where everyone feels at home.

A revolution in fitness: the Milon circle

When Alex and Romano founded Happy Bodies Lifestyle Clubs in 2015, they wanted to shake up the fitness industry. shake it up with a special fitness formula for people with little time and where attention, customer experience and results come first. They opted for small-scale boutique-style fitness clubs in which people can train as efficiently as possible in the Milon circle. The Milon circle is not just a fitness experience. It is a fully automatic training circle that is precisely tailored to your physical needs and capabilities. This means that you train without the risk of injury, with constant progress and a program that is adapted to that progress every time, so that you always remain challenged without going beyond your limits.

Simplicity and efficiency

The idea of spending less time and still seeing results may sound too good to be true. But with the Milon circle this is exactly what you get. And that in just six 35-minute sessions per month. Before you start, you undergo an intake where the Milonizer, a state-of-the-art device, quickly scans your body for important biometric data. This guarantees that during your training each machine is perfectly adjusted to your unique physique, condition and any complaints or injuries. This way we can develop a training program for everyone, regardless of age or physical limitations. For example, someone with ankle problems receives specific exercises that do not overload the ankle, while someone with hip problems does exercises that are tailored to their specific range of motion. So no more excuses in 2024! We are ready to guide you.

Knowing more?

Are you ready to start the new year with an exercise routine that is both efficient and effective? Curious about how you too can get more energy by training twice for 35 minutes every ten days, under the guidance of your own personal lifestyle coach? Also if you have physical complaints? Then do the membership test and sign up for a free personal introductory meeting and tour of the club. Want to bet that you are immediately sold?

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